onsdag 11. mars 2015

RJ Working

Restorative Justice (RJ Working) is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that helps people who have been in a crime or a conflict to meet at a meeting to talk through the episode and hopefully gain a fully understanding of each others perspective on the situation.

We are this semester going to make films that informs about RJ Working. 

Our group want to make a very informative and neutral graphic film that doesn't take a side in a crime, but try to keep the offender and victim in a situation on the "same level". Therefor, we came up with the idea to of showing how each part feel and how RJ can help people to express and get stuff of their chests. 

We want to make something graphic and simple in style, and keep the offender and victim is  silhouettes  to keep them anonymous. We looked at graphite artists such as Banksy and Shepard Fairey, and use the colours taken form the RJ Working website; blue, purple and black


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