fredag 13. mars 2015

RJ First Animatic

Here is the first animatic for the Restorative Project.

Our original idea was to have Lady Justice holding the scales with the victim and offender falling down on the scales, then word representing all the burdens they bear on their shoulders would fall down on top of them as  they struggle to carry it.
We were struggling so much to make this idea to work with Lady Justice, and ended up just cutting her out, but keeping the scales and keep going with the idea of people in unbalanced in their lives.

onsdag 11. mars 2015

RJ Working

Restorative Justice (RJ Working) is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company that helps people who have been in a crime or a conflict to meet at a meeting to talk through the episode and hopefully gain a fully understanding of each others perspective on the situation.

We are this semester going to make films that informs about RJ Working. 

Our group want to make a very informative and neutral graphic film that doesn't take a side in a crime, but try to keep the offender and victim in a situation on the "same level". Therefor, we came up with the idea to of showing how each part feel and how RJ can help people to express and get stuff of their chests. 

We want to make something graphic and simple in style, and keep the offender and victim is  silhouettes  to keep them anonymous. We looked at graphite artists such as Banksy and Shepard Fairey, and use the colours taken form the RJ Working website; blue, purple and black


fredag 6. mars 2015

Character Design Assignment

In pre-production this semester we are working on two projects, an idea for our third year films and character design development for James Henry (writer).

James has given us four brief ideas for children's television shows were we are free to come up with character design and background art etc. Throughout the semester we will show what we've come up with and get feedback from James.

The first idea out of the four I fell for was Runepaw, a kids shows about viking mice that travels up in the called north and it would be a sort of teaching television show, teaching navigation and such. I probably liked this idea the most because I'm Norwegian and are from "the cold North". What first came in mind was Northern Lights and snowy mountains, something really eye catching and beautiful. I also have been thinking of making my third year film about Norway and have Norwegian nature in focus.

Here are a couple of moodboards