søndag 13. juli 2014

3D environment

When it comes to animation, I want to do 3D instead of 2D. 3D gives you so much more opportunities with creating something in 360 degrees. As well as we can't deny that it's the future of animation. Even thought 3D programs are so complicated that my head always hurt after a lecture, and I'm left as a big question mark, I feel it's worth it when I found out that I'm actually capable to make stuff. Not just stuff, but actually descent stuff!

It all started with a picture from my vacation in Cambodia last year...

 I thought this would be a good environment since there could be done some sortcuts with copy pasting figures, as well as the picture is in such high resolution that I could just use that for texturing at the end. But first some sketches to make it fit the 1920x1080 size.

Then the modeling in Maya started. I didn't keep track of how long this took me to model, but with the texturing it took about over a week, working from 10 to 10.

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